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Wide To Tall Festival (WTF²) aims to raise awareness for a better understanding of the concepts of sustainability and to build a better perception of the systemic problems interacting with each other; contributing to the creation of a new culture by sharing inspirational solutions led by our youth of today. The festival aims to amplify social good, to encourage the creation of a new culture by sharing inspirational solutions led by youth storytellers of today, to inspire and accelerate positive change in a socially conscious community and mindset.


Brands For Good aims to recognise businesses that not only make a difference but also commit as stewards for a positive impact.  Brands for Good is all about rewarding businesses for doing good.
We recognise and honour SMEs across Asia for embodying the principles of Social Responsibility in their business and operations.

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CIFF is the longest running fair in northern Europe. Over the past decade, CIFF has become a major Bi-annual destination for the international fashion industry.

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